Here are 20 marketing ideas to get your agency’s marketing humming.
Engaging Insurance Emails
Discover how to craft compelling insurance-related emails.
Identify your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
Discover your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) as an insurance agency owner.
Key Website Metrics for Insurance Agencies
What metrics should you care about when it comes to traffic on your website.
Insurance Agencies: 2024 Marketing Trends
What are the top marketing trends for insurance agencies in 2024?
Growing Niche Programs
I just came across this article from PropertyCasualty360 that discussed the growth of “program business” in the insurance industry. In fact, the Target Markets Program Administrators Association (TMPAA) shows the industry grew 9 percent from 2010 to 2011. With consumers increasingly turning to the internet to research agencies, coverage, and pricing, it shouldn’t be any […]
The Right Content At The Right Time
As your insurance agency looks to attract leads and prospects through its website, it’s important to remember that you should create content for your leads to fit their specific stage of the buying process. All too often companies create content to specifically attract brand new leads, but they forget about those customers that are past […]
Infograph: The Inbound Marketing Explosion
I came across this infograph done by the folks at InboundWriter that shows how inbound marketing is quickly becoming the preferred method for obtaining customer for businesses. (Inbound marketing refers to creating valuable, insightful, and educational content that brings readers to your site where they are converted to prospects and eventually customers.) There are just […]
Stock Photos to Avoid
We know visual marketing has a much more profound effect on consumers. (There’s a reason why companies use 20-something models instead of overweight, 60-year-old bald men to advertise their product, right?) And with the increased interest in Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook, it’s plain to see people like to interact visually with others. For insurance agencies, […]
Personal Touch
I came across a great article from Property Casualty 360 this week talking about using technology to give the personal touch to your clients. The article describes how agents (specifically Independent Agents in this case) do a poor job of using digital marketing and websites to really expound upon the value they bring. And, while […]