The Right Content At The Right Time

As your insurance agency looks to attract leads and prospects through its website, it’s important to remember that you should create content for your leads to fit their specific stage of the buying process.  All too often companies create content to specifically attract brand new leads, but they forget about those customers that are past […]

Teamwork Part 2

On Tuesday, we discussed the importance of Teamwork within a company.  Today, I just wanted to include a few suggestions on how you can improve teamwork within your company: It’s who you hire.   In the book “Good to Great” the number one factor the authors attribute to a company’s success is the type of people […]

Teamwork Part 1

“Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, and a civilization work.’’   — Vince Lombardi I think this is one of the hardest aspects of any managers’ job:  getting individuals to put aside their own selfish desires for the good of the team/company. […]

Company Resiliency

I just came across an article from JoAnna Brandi entitled “The Two “R’s” – Recession and Resilience – Which Will You Choose?”  The article explains how an employer instilled an attitude throughout their company that if the economy were to go into a recession, they “would not be participating.” Here are a few of the […]

Creativity Quiz

Stemming from last week’s posts about creative customer service and the proper ways to hire employees to accomplish this, I came across a quiz to measure your individual creativity from Mind Tools.  The quiz is only 16 questions long, but it can provide some very valuable insight into your ability to be able to creatively […]