Selling Price Increases

I was in a meeting the other day with a number of insurance agency owners talking about sales and the importance of de-commoditizing our industry.  I noticed an overwhelming concern from the meeting members that inexperienced agents are focused on trying to sell strictly on price rather than presenting the value they bring to the […]

Training New Employees

Today we bring you our fourth installment in our series on improving customer service through your employees. Here we offer you a few detailed ideas on training your employees.  Personalize the Training Process– All of your employees are different, so you should be training them all differently. After going through the normal company training program, […]

Commodity Image

Stop Being a Commodity

We’ve allowed ourselves to become a commodity. As insurance agents, we have allowed the online direct carriers to sell exclusively on price, and we have turned our products into commodities while it couldn’t be more the opposite. Insurance can be complicated, confusing, and frustrating. Consumers want some guidance in purchasing insurance; but, we are not […]