With over 900 million users on Facebook alone, social media is now one of the primary ways consumers interact with brands. In fact, many companies (insurance agencies included) are reporting they have more unique visitors to their social media pages each month than to their regular websites! So stemming from last week’s email on getting […]
Personal Lines Prospecting
As a marketer and former insurance producer, I have been asked a number of times the best way to way to start a personal lines department within a commercial lines agency. It’s a logical transition as the agencies typically have a number of loyal commercial clients the agency wants to retain. I have seen this […]
Marketing Tip: Writing the Perfect Introduction
InboundWriter, a software company that specializes making your writing more SEO specific and friendly, recently released some tips to writing the perfect introduction. As more agents are using blogs to interact with their customers we wanted to pass these tips along to you. Start with a statistic. People love numbers and it’s a great way […]
Teamwork Part 2
On Tuesday, we discussed the importance of Teamwork within a company. Today, I just wanted to include a few suggestions on how you can improve teamwork within your company: It’s who you hire. In the book “Good to Great” the number one factor the authors attribute to a company’s success is the type of people […]
Teamwork Part 1
“Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, and a civilization work.’’ — Vince Lombardi I think this is one of the hardest aspects of any managers’ job: getting individuals to put aside their own selfish desires for the good of the team/company. […]
Insurance and Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Did you know that pay-per-click advertising for insurance-related terms accounts for almost 25% of Google’s AdWords Revenue? The next closest term is “loans” and that accounts for only have of the revenue “insurance” generates. This all according to a study done by WordStream. Google is generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue from insurance-related […]
Agency Entrepreneurs
I came across a fantastic article by Tom Barrett entitled “Nu Waves” from Agent & Broker magazine. In it, he discusses the recent emergence of new agencies across the U.S. In fact, he points out that more than 4,000 new agencies have opened over just the past few years. The focus of his article, though, […]
Make Yourself Indispensable
I recently came across an article by Dave Archer, CEO of Nevada’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (NCET) entitled “Keeping Clients in a Slow Economy.” While there were many good points made within the article, the topic that stuck out to me the most was: Look for ways to make your company indispensable. As companies […]
Company Resiliency
I just came across an article from JoAnna Brandi entitled “The Two “R’s” – Recession and Resilience – Which Will You Choose?” The article explains how an employer instilled an attitude throughout their company that if the economy were to go into a recession, they “would not be participating.” Here are a few of the […]
Technology Tip: Laser App Software
In my prior life as a commercial producer, I found there was nothing more frustrating filling out multiple 15-page applications for a new business or renewal submission. For some reason insurance carriers can’t come to a consensus on the information they ask for so you as the agent are stuck filling these applications out. I […]