Make Yourself Indispensable

I recently came across an article by Dave Archer, CEO of Nevada’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (NCET) entitled “Keeping Clients in a Slow Economy.”  While there were many good points made within the article, the topic that stuck out to me the most was: Look for ways to make your company indispensable. As companies […]

Company Resiliency

I just came across an article from JoAnna Brandi entitled “The Two “R’s” – Recession and Resilience – Which Will You Choose?”  The article explains how an employer instilled an attitude throughout their company that if the economy were to go into a recession, they “would not be participating.” Here are a few of the […]

Technology Tip: Laser App Software

In my prior life as a commercial producer, I found there was nothing more frustrating filling out multiple 15-page applications for a new business or renewal submission.   For some reason insurance carriers can’t come to a consensus on the information they ask for so you as the agent are stuck filling these applications out. I […]

Company Culture

I came across a very interesting article on Company Culture written by Arshad Chowdhury for Fast Company.  The article points out a few very cool culture ideas for companies to implement for happier employees.   Here are a few from the article: Celebrate Going Home Early.  By focusing on work output rather than hours worked, you […]

Selling Price Increases

I was in a meeting the other day with a number of insurance agency owners talking about sales and the importance of de-commoditizing our industry.  I noticed an overwhelming concern from the meeting members that inexperienced agents are focused on trying to sell strictly on price rather than presenting the value they bring to the […]

Flex Work Schedules

I came across an article about an interesting study released by Mom Corps on work schedule preferences.  After polling more than 1,000 workers, the study showed that approximately 2 in 5 people are willing to sacrifice pay for a more flexible work schedule. The study also showed that the 18-34 age group is three times […]

Creativity Quiz

Stemming from last week’s posts about creative customer service and the proper ways to hire employees to accomplish this, I came across a quiz to measure your individual creativity from Mind Tools.  The quiz is only 16 questions long, but it can provide some very valuable insight into your ability to be able to creatively […]

Training New Employees

Today we bring you our fourth installment in our series on improving customer service through your employees. Here we offer you a few detailed ideas on training your employees.  Personalize the Training Process– All of your employees are different, so you should be training them all differently. After going through the normal company training program, […]

Seeing the Big Picture

Earlier in the week we shared a post with you about steps you can take to improve your company’s customer service reputation. We followed that up yesterday with a post about Hiring the Right Employees. Today is our third part of our series on improving customer service through your employees. Here now are a few […]

Hiring the Right Employees

Yesterday we shared a post with you about steps you can take to improve your company’s customer service reputation. Over the next few days we want to share a few detailed ideas on how you can put those steps into action in your business. We’ll start with hiring the right employees, as bringing in the […]